The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce that registration is now open for two online workshops that will be held on Wednesday September 18 and Thursday September 19, 2024. These free workshops provide training in heritage conservation tools that will be of interest to anyone who owns, uses, manages, interprets or regulates heritage buildings. Please share this invitation with any colleagues who may have an interest. If you have already taken the workshops, thank you for your participation.
The workshops are designed so that they can be taken on a standalone basis, but attendance at both is recommended for maximum benefit.
Heritage Standards and Guidelines
Thursday September 19, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
It is necessary to properly maintain heritage buildings, and sometimes to make changes to them. This workshop will discuss best practices for this work, including striking a balance between heritage requirements and economic feasibility. Participants will be introduced to the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, a nationally recognized manual that guides decisions about alterations to heritage buildings and other historic places.
The workshops qualify for professional learning credits from the Saskatchewan Professional Planners Institute and the Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance.
There is no registration fee, but pre-registration is required. Registrations will be accepted until Monday September 16.
The workshops will be hosted on Microsoft Teams®. Instructions for accessing the workshops will be provided to registrants after registration closes. Each workshop requires a separate registration.