The Spanish Flu Epidemic – 2018 Lecture Series

First Baptist Church 2241 Victoria Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

The Spanish Influenza was humanity’s deadliest disease. Incubated in the trenches of Europe, it would spread throughout the globe, killing young, healthy men and women. It orphaned a generation, slaughtered a population and brought society to a standstill. The virus would kill between 50 and 100 million people. Venture back to the autumn of 1918 […]

Catalogue Houses – 2018 Lecture Series

The Artesian 2627 13th Avenue, Regina, Sas, Canada

A century ago, with our flourishing farms and urban centers, there was a high demand for new homes. Designers and skilled trades people were in short supply. Eaton’s, Sears and Aladdin Homes shipped thousands of homes to the Prairies by rail and they were assembled by local labour. Similar to the way we order on-line […]

The Confederation / Davin Fountain Restoration – 2018 Lecture Series

Cathedral Area Community Association 2900 13th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

  Confederation Fountain, constructed in 1928 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Canada, is situated at the center of Confederation Park in the Regina Exhibition Grounds. Constructed in 1928, it featured shaped piers with ornamental caryatids, lion heads and Saskatchewan and City of Regina shields. Originally, sixteen cast zinc frog spitters createdan extravaganza of arched […]

The Spanish Influenza: Regina’s Darkest Days

The Artesian 2627 13th Avenue, Regina, Sas, Canada

100 years ago, the world was at war. As the guns were silenced and the men retuned home, they brought with them a disease unlike any other. Grown and matured in the trenches of Europe, The Spanish Influenza became humanity's deadliest disease, killing between 25 - 100 million people worldwide. In October of 1918 the […]


Living Heritage in Saskatchewan Sharing Series: “Beyond ‘Arts & Crafts’: The role of Contemporary Visual and Media Art Practices in conceptions of Living Heritage”

3124 Victoria Avenue, Regina

Part of Living Heritage in Saskatchewan: A Sharing Series: Every two weeks to the end of June, join us with your coffee or tea after your lunch to learn more about living heritage. At a time when we are all experiencing new ways to work and interact in new and remote ways, the Humanities Research […]